Friday, February 26, 2010

Are We Losing Sight of the Goal?

Health care reformers are passionate on all sides. Each side commissions studies that support their point, and another side fires back with their own study conflicting the first. The message is lost, and average Americans are struggling to make sense of it all. There’s finger-pointing, placing the blame on someone else, when instead we shouldn’t be worried about who is right, but rather what is right.

Blaming opposing political parties, government, or single industries isn’t going to address what’s really bringing down health care costs. So yesterday both parties came together to address Obama’s health care plan at a White House health care summit.

After watching the coverage last night, my mom called and went off about the health care debate. She said she just felt confused and didn’t understand who was right and who she should believe. She was hearing from Republicans, Democrats, even her health insurance company - all with differing messages on what reform should look like. And she wondered who to believe.

I told her – what does it matter? What matters is, were in this mess together. So let’s fix it together. Stop the blame game, and let’s come up with a real solution to address rising health care costs. I think we’re all for the same thing: a sustainable system that Americans can afford.

If you want to talk to your Congressperson about curbing health care costs you can send them a message through Regence’s Issues and Action center. Or if you just want to learn more, here are some resources you can visit:
Top 10 Health Care Cost Drivers
More on health insurer competition